I was famished for knowledge as I entered Day One of SLIG, and a little anxious as I walked into Course 9 – Writing and Publishing Family Histories with Dina Carson. We eased into the day discussing tools for the job and moved into developing ideas. These were all things that I understood and could use. The day progressed like a well-planned dinner, first the appetizer, salad and then the main course.
The ideas began to swirl in my brain for projects I could tackle after returning home. I need to finish that blog series on Red Wynn, oh and I could do a blog on Fairland school fires or maybe a small book on Grandpa’s military service. I have that journal of Grandpa Peery’s with his daily notes, I think that would be fun to share with family and friends.
The hunger pains were starting to subside and I could feel the protein of the meal spurring me along. As we chatted merrily among ourselves about the class the gravy of the day began to become evident, COLLABORATION with new found friends. Hey, do you use this software? What research are you working on? Have you thought about looking here? I think I will have a second helping of that gravy on my potatoes.
Satisfied by the meal of the day, we shuffled off to the General Session – Common Threads Weaving Our Ancestral Tapestries. Hmmm…. I wonder what this will be. I can’t imagine that listening to someone speak about tapestries will keep my interest. At least I had a good day in class and I can go to sleep full tonight. BOY WAS I WRONG. It was like eating the best dessert ever, with all your favorite ingredients. Rich Venezia was a mesmerizing speaker. He served up the most entertaining, educational presentation. I was even disappointed when the talk was complete. What an excellent ending to the day!
Well back to the room to recover from a long day of stuffing myself. THANK GOODNESS EDUCATION DOES NOT WEIGH ANYTHING.
Can’t wait for Day Two! #SLIGExperience #SLIG2018 #RICHROOTS
Thanks for posting this, Annette. I had thought about signing up for this class, but then opted for another one. I’m hoping the writing session will be offered again next year, so I’m looking forward to hearing more about your experience in class.