
Guess what Grandma…..

I’m in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I’m here to do what I love, surrounded by people, MY PEOPLE, that think the way I do.  I can talk about my ancestors to everyone and their eyes DO NOT GLAZE OVER.

I know most people think I am crazy, using my time from work to come here and attend SLIG – Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy.  “You are doing what with your vacation time – going to class – 8 hours a day for a week – attending sessions on the weekend and in the evenings?”  Oh but wait there’s even more fun, we get to go to the Utah State Archives and the Family History Library.   This  is the Super Bowl of GENEALOGY.

I woke up at 5:15 this morning and looked out the window at this beautiful city and thought about the opportunities this week.

I guess it’s kind of like the Disney commercial, I’m too excited to sleep.

I look forward to learning new things, meeting new friends and making memories in this special city.   Thank you to the UGA for providing this institute with world class instructors to assist in furthering my ambitions.

I can’t help but grateful for you my sweet grandma.  You were always so happy to sit and listen to my stories.  Even though you thought I was nosy you never discouraged my dreams.   You spent time trying to draw out things in me that make me the person I am.  I know if you were still here I would find you in your chair, with your orange jug of tea, ready to listen to all my many tales of #SLIGExperience.



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